Dr. Vishnu Biradar
He is a first trained “Pediatric Gastroenterologist & hepatologist” in Maharashtra. Dr.Vishnu Biradar has completed his training in pediatric gastroenterology under the leadership of Dr. S. K. Yachha from Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute (SGPGI), Lucknow in 2010 after completing MD Pediatrics from Smt NHLMMC, Ahmedabad in 2008. He has experience of 12 years as a practicing pediatrician. He has completed a fellowship in “Pediatric Liver Transplant” from Birmingham’s Children Hospital, UK.
He is currently having private OPD as Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist @ “Kamal Endoscopy Centre”, Shivajinagar, Pune. Previously, he was working as an honorary consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist @ Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & research institute Pune for 10 years. Recently, he has joined “Jupiter Hospital” Pune from 1st Aug 2020.

He has vast experience in treating abdominal, gastrointestinal, liver, and nutritional diseases in children from birth to 18 years of age, which are unique to them as compared to adults. To mention a few, he caters to children suffering from food allergies like celiac disease, cow milk allergy, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, recurrent/ chronic vomiting, feeding difficulties, blood in vomiting, bleeding per rectally, eosinophilic enteritis, blood in the stool, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s disease), jaundice in neonates & children, liver cirrhosis, metabolic liver diseases, hepatitis B and C infection, acute/ chronic pancreatitis, nutritional issues, failure to thrive etc.
Dr. Vishnu Biradar has been instrumental in developing pediatric endoscopies in Pune. He has expertise in doing endoscopies in children from neonatal age which includes diagnostic and therapeutic gastroduodenoscopy, diagnostic colonoscopy, therapeutic colonoscopy, and ERCP, etc. To his credit, he has done endoscopy in small neonate weighing just 1.7 kg.
Dr. Vishnu Biradar has been treating more than 100 children who underwent a liver transplant. We have a successful pediatric liver transplant at our institute.

At Jupiter hospital, We have a dedicated team of pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, transplant surgeons, anesthesia team, and services of separate pediatric endoscopy unit, state of the art OT, NICU, PICU, and other back up. We do all procedures under one roof. Also, we have a dedicated team for a pediatric liver transplant, which will be needed in children for acute liver failure, chronic liver disease like Wilson disease/ autoimmune liver disease, liver cirrhosis, metabolic liver disease, tumours like Hepatoblastoma, or Hepatocellular carcinoma, etc.

Dr. Vishnu Biradar is a member of various prestigious societies like the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) & Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN) and Ex Executive Member 2012-14. He is also a life member of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP). He was the National Convener of IAP module on Nutrition in Health & Disease in the year 2014. He has a keen interest in research and his activities include Celiac disease, having
He has been called as national faculty in many Conferences, CMEs, and workshops. He has published articles in national and international journals. He was “Organising Secretory” of the national conference of pediatric gastroenterology held at Pune in the year 2013. He has also conducted workshops on nutrition in health and disease all over India as convener of Module on Nutrition in the year 2014. Each year we are conducting awareness programs for celiac disease patients and for the community. He has written many articles in leading newspaper on celiac disease, constipation, foreign bodies in children, etc.,

Academic Qualifications
Grant Medical College, Mumbai (University Of Mumbai)
- M. D. Pediatrics
Smt. N. H. L. M. Medical College, Ahmedabad (Gujarat University)
- P.D.C.C.Pediatric Gastroenterology
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
- Fellowship in Paediatric Liver Transplant, UK
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK

- Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)
- Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN)
- Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG)
- European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)

- I have been invited many times as “National Faculty” at various State and National level CMEs and Pediatric Speciality and Subspeciality Conferences, conducted by Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) beside attending numerous CMEs, Workshops and Conferences as a Delegate
- I was “Organising Secretory” of 23rd National Pediatric Gastroenterology Conference, Pedgastrocon -2013 held in September 2013 at Pune, Maharashtra (India)
- I am currently “National Convener” of IAP TOT (Training of Trainer) module of Nutrition in Health and Disease in the year 2014
- I have worked hard in developing Pediatric Gastroenterology speciality services in Maharashtra
- I have started Celiac disease registry at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune (First of its kind in Maharashtra and Western India ) from year 2011 which had more than 250 cases till date. I also conduct yearly education program for celiac patients and their parents in month of September beside making awareness of disease through electronic media and press.

- ESPGHAN International Travel Exchange Award 2018-19
- Best poster award in PEDGASTRO Mid-Term Conference at Jaipur in April 2009